2012년 3월 14일 수요일

Prof.Yung Chul Park

                                 Curriculum vitae

Yung Chul Park

Distinguished professor
Division of International Studies
Korea University

Tel. 82-2-3290-2518
Fax. 82-2-887-3594

Room 330, International Studies Hall, Korea University
5-1 Anam-dong Sungbuk-ku, Seoul, Korea, 136-701

1969   Ph. D in Economics, University of Minnesota
1963   BA in Economics, Seoul National University

Fields of Specialization      Monetary Theory and International Finance

Professional Experience

September 2007 – present

Distinguished Professor
Division of International Studies, Korea University

April 2010 – present

International Monetary Fund (Asia-Pacific Department)
March 2005 – February 2008
Research Professor and Director
Center of International Commerce and Finance
Graduate School of International Studies
Seoul National University
September 2004 – August 2006
Public Fund Oversight Committee
September 1976 – February 2005
Economics Department of Economics, Korea University
June 1, 2003 – June 2004
Member of National Economic Advisory Council
Office of the president, Korea
February 1, 2001 – January 31, 2002
Ambassador for International Economy and Trade
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
February 1999 – March 2002
The Board of Directors, Korea Exchange Bank
August 1998 – December
CBK-Hanil Bank Merger Committee
July 1992 – July 1998
Korea Institute of Finance

January1997 - January 1998
Presidential commission on Financial Reform
Office of the president, Korea

January 1995 - February 1998

Globalization Promotion Committee
Office of the Prime Minister, Korea

November 1990 – July 1992

Institute of Economic Research, Korea University 

September 1988 – January 1989

Visiting Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, Harvard University 

September 1988- - January 1989

Research Associate
Harvard Institute for International Development 

June 1987 – February 1988

Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs
Office of the President, Korea 

October1986 - May 1987

Korea Development Institute

June 1984 – November 1986

The Monetary Board, The Bank of Korea

January 1981 – January 1982

Visiting Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, Boston University 

January 1981 – January 1982

Visiting Scholar of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

February 1979 – February 1982

The Institute of Economic Development, Korea University

September 1972 – August 1976

Associate Professor of Economics
Korea University

July 1968 – August 1972

Financial Studies Division, Research Department
International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.


1. Recent Papers

“Crisis Impact “ in M. Kawai (ed.), Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth, Economics, Law,and Institutions in Asia Pacific, Springer, 2015.

“Financial and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia” (with Masahiro Kawai) in Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia after the Global and European Crises, edited by M. Kawai, Yung Chul Park, and Charles Wyplosz, Oxford University Press, 2015.

“Issues and Prospects of International Monetary Reforms: East Asian Perspectives” (with Charles Wyplosz), in International Monetary System, Energy, and Sustainable Development, edited by Sung Jin Kang and Yung Chul Park, Routledge, 2015.

"Has Financial Liberalization Improved Economic Efficiency in the Republic of Korea? Evidence from Firm-Level and Industry-Level Data” (with Jungsoo Park), ADBI Working Paper No.480, Asian Development Bank Institute, May 2014.

“Stock Market Co-Movement and Exchange Rate Flexibility: Experience of the Republic of Korea” (with Hail Park), ADBI Working Paper No.479, Asian Development Bank Institute, May 2014.

“Use of National Currencies for Trade Settlement in East Asia: A Proposal” (with Il Houng Lee), ADBI Working Paper No.474, Asian Development Bank Institute, April 2014.

“Financial Development and Liberalization in Korea:1980-2011” in How Finance is Shaping the Economics of China, Japan, and Korea (co-edited with Hugh Patrick), Columbia Business School, 2013.

2. Books

영철 외. 한국의 외환위기 10: 전개과정과 추후 과제(,), 한국경제연구원(KERI). 2008.
박영철, 김동원, 박경서 공저, 미완의 개혁: 금융,기업구조조정 삼성경제연구소 2000
박영철, 김병주, 박재윤 공저. 금융산업 발전에 관한 연구 1985~2000. 연구보고서 86-02. 한국개발연구원. 1986.
박영철, 김병주 공저. 한국경제와 금융. 박영사. 서울. 1984.

International Monetary System, Energy, and Sustainable Development (co-edited with Sung Jin Kang), Routledge, 2014.

Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia after the Global and European Crises (co-edited with Masahiro Kawai and Charles Wyplosz), Oxford University Press, 2014.

How Finance is Shaping the Economics of China, Japan, and Korea (co-edited with Hugh Patrick), Columbia Business School, 2013.

The Global Financial Crisis and Asia: Implications and Challenges (co-edited with Masahiro Kawai and Mario B. Lamberte), Oxford University Press, 2012.

A Study on the Formulation of a Five-Year Plan for Capital Account Liberalization and Financial Services Liberalization in the Banking Sector of ASEAN Members States (with Shinji Takagi, Kun Ho Lee, Choong Lyol Lee and Nicolas Veron), ADB, 2011.

Foreign Direct Investments in Asia (with Chalongphob Sussangkarn and Sung Jin Kang), Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, 2011.

Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia: The Relevance of European Experience (with Charles Wyplosz), Oxford University Press, 2010.

China, Asia and the World Economy (co-edited with Barry Eichengreen and Charles Wyplosz), Oxford University Press 2008.

Economic Liberalization and Integration in East Asia: A Post-Crisis Paradigm, Oxford University Press, 2006. 

Prospects for Regional Financial and Monetary Integration in East Asia (with Doo Yong Yang), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Seoul 2006.

Asia Bond Markets: Issues and Prospects (co-edited with Barry Eichengreen and Robert McCauley), Bank for International Settlement, 2006.

Official Reserves and Currency Management in Asia: Myth, Reality and the Future (with Hans Genberg, Robert McCauley, and Avinash Persaud), Geneva Reports on the World Economy 7, International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies and Center for Policy Research(CEPR) 2005.

A New Financial Market Structure for East Asia (co-edited with Takatoshi Ito,Yung Chul Park, and Yun Jong Wang), Edward Elgar, 2005.

Developing Asian Bond Markets (co-edited with Takatoshi Ito), Asia Public Press, 2004.

Financial Development and Integration in East Asia (co-edited with Chung Young Ahn, Takatoshi Ito, M. Kawai, and Yung Chul Park), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), September, 2003.

In search of a New paradigm of Development for Post-Crisis East Asia, Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) Major Research Paper 2003-03 [KERI] March 2003.

Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries (co-edited with Stefan Collignon and Jean Pisani-Ferry), Routledge, 1999.

Financial Liberalization and Opening in East Asia: Issues and Policy Challenges, Korea Institute of Finance, April 1998.

Financial Opening; Policy Lessons for Korea (co-edited with Rudiger Dornbusch), Korea Institute of Finance and International Center for Economic Growth, 1995.

The Financial Development of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan; Growth, Repression, and Liberalization (Co-edited with Hugh T. Patrick), Oxford University Press, 1994.

Financial Development in Korea, 1945-78 (with David Cole), Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University Press, 1983.

3. Publications in Refereed Journals
“RMB Internationalization: Prospects and Implications for Economic Integration in East Asia,” (with Chi-Young Song), Asian Economic Papers, January 2011. 

“RMB Internationalization and Its Implications for Financial and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia,” in China & World Economy, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1-21, 2010. 

"Economic Integration and Changes in the Business Cycle in East Asia: Is the Region Decoupling from the Rest of the World?”, (with Kwanho Shin), Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.107-140, 2009.

"Whither Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia?" Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 6, No.3 pp.95-128 October 2007. 

"The Chiang Mai and Beyond", with Yunjong Wang, The World Economy, No. 1, pp. 91-101, January 2005. 

"Creating Regional Bond markets in East Asia: Rationale and Strategy", with Daekeun Park, Asian Economic Papers Vol. 3, No. 2, Pages 183-209, 2004. 

"The Transpacific Imbalance"(with Lee Jong Wha, Warwick J. Mckibbin), papre presented to Western Economic Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 30 2004 The Brookings Working Paper, 2004.

"The Dollar and the Policy Mix Redux"(with Barry Eichengreen), Current History, December, 2004.

“What kind of International Financial Architecture for an Integrated World Economy?" (with YunJong Wang), Asian Economic Papers Vol.1 No.1,  MIT Press, winter 2002. 

"East Asian Dilemma : Restructuring Out or Growing Out?", Princeton Essay in International Economics, No.233, August 2001.

"Fear of Folating: Korea's Exchange Rate Policy after thr Crisis" (with Chae-Shick Chung and Yunjong Wang), The Journal of Japanese and International Economies, Vol.15, pp. 225-251, June, 2001.

"Institutional Investors, Trade Linkage, Macroeconomic Similarities, and the Contagious Thai Crisis" (with Chi Young Song), The Journal of Japanese and International Economics, pp. 199-224, June, 2001.   

"The East Asian Financial Crisis: A Year Later" (with Chi-Young Song), in IDS Bulletin; East Asia: What happened to the Development Miracle? - The Global Implications, Vol. 30 No. 1 edited by Stephany Griffith-Jones with Genny Kimmis, pp. 93-107, January 1999.

"Investment Boom, Financial Bust: The Crisis in Korea," The Brookings Review, Summer 1998. 

"East Asian Liberalization, Bubbles, and the Challenge from China," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Volume 2, 1996. 

"The Role of Government: Experiences of South Korea and Taiwan," American Economic Review, May 1990.

"Little Dragons and Structural Change in Pacific Asia," in The World Economy, June 1989. 

"Korean Growth Policy" (with Rudiger Dornbusch), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity II, 1987.

"Foreign Debt, Balance of Payments, and Growth Prospects: The Case of the Republic of Korea," World Development, Volume 14, Number 8, August 1986.

"A Monetary Model of the Korean Economy, 1962-73" (with Ichiro Otani), The IMF Staff Papers, March 1976.

"The Transmission Process and the Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Two-sector Neo-classical Model," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, May 1973. 

"The Role of Money in Stabilization Policy in Developing Countries," IMF Staff Papers, July 1973: Reprinted in Readings in Money and Monetary Policy, edited by W.L. Coates, and D.R. Khatkhate, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979. 

"Some Current Issues on the Transmission Process of Monetary Policy," IMF Staff Papers, March 1972: Reprinted in Current Issues in Monetary Theory and Policy, edited by Havilesky and Boorman, AHM Publishing Corporation, 1976.

"The Variability of Velocity: An International Comparison," IMF Staff Papers, Volume XVII (1970).

4. Articles

“Managing Capital Flows in an Economic Community: The case of ASEAN Capital Account Liberalization” (with Shinji Takagi), paper presented to the PRI/ADBI conference on “Achieving Financial Stability – Lessons from the Euro-zone Crisis for Macroeconomic and Financial Stability,” Tokyo, 14 March 2012. 

“A Macroprudential Approach to Financial Supervision and Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies”, KDI Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 34, Korea Development Institution, 2012.

“International Monetary Reform: A Critical Appraisal of Some Proposals” (with Charles Wyplosz), ADBI Working Paper No.364, Asian Development Bank Institute, June 2012

“Internationalization of currency in East Asia: implications for regional monetary and financial cooperation” (with Kwanho Shin) in Currency internationalization: lessons from the global financial crisis and prospects for the future in Asia and the Pacific, , BIS Paper No.61, BIS, December, 2011

"Prospects for Monetary Cooperation in East Asia,” (with Chi-Young Song), ADBI Working Paper No.314, Asian Development Bank Institute, October 2011.

"The Role of Macroprudential Policy for Financial Stability in East Asia's Emerging Economies” in Asian Perspectives on Financial Sector Reforms and Regulations edited by Masahiro Kawai and Eswar Prasad, Brookings Institution, September 2011.

"Decoupling of East Asia: Myth or Reality?, ADBI Working paper No.289, Asian Development Bank Institute, June 2011.

“G20 Financial Regulatory Reform: Current Status and Future Challenges,” (with Sung Min Kim), Global Leadership in Transition: Making the G20 More Effective and Responsive, Korea Development Institute and The Brookings Institution, 2011.

“Reform of the Global Regulatory System: Perspectives of East Asian Emerging Economies” in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2010 (global): Lessons from East Asia and the Global Financial Crisis, Y. Lin and B. Pleskovic (eds). Washington DC: The World Bank, 2011.

“From Crisis to Recovery: Korea’s Policy Response to the Global Financial Meltdown, August 2007-June 2009,” in Navigating Turbulence in Northeast Asia: The Future of US-ROK alliance, Joint US-Korea Academic Studies, Vol. 20 pp.17-44, 2010.

“The Future of the IMF and of Regional Cooperation in East Asia” (with Charles Wyplosz)  in The New International Monetary System (edit by Charles Wyplosz), Routledge, New York, February 2010.

“The Global Economic Crisis and Rebalancing Growth in Asia” Asian Development Bank Institute Research Policy Brief 31, December 15, 2009.

“Inflation Targeting in Korea: Success, Good Luck or Bad Luck?” (with Charles Wyplosz) in Ten Years after the Korean Crisis: Crisis, Adjustment and Long-run Economic Growth, IMF and KIEP, December 2008. 

“Is there Room for East Asia’s Self-managed Reserve Pooling arrangement (SRPA) in a New International Financial Architecture?”, Vox Ebook for G-20 Summit, November 7, 2008.

“Asia and the Decoupling Myth”, (with Barry Eichengreen), Unpublished manuscript April 2008.

“Asia, Global Rebalancing, and the Subprime Crisis”, (with Barry Eichengreen) Unpublished manuscript April 2008.

"Proliferation of FTAs and Prospects for Trade Liberalization in East Asia" with Inkyo Cheong in China, Asia and the World Economy, Oxford University Press, 2008.

"Emerging Economies in East Asia: Are They Safe from Future Crises? ( with Charles Wyplosz) paper presented to a conference on "Ten Years after the Crisis: Vulnerabilities of East Asia," Bangkok, Thailand  February 2007.

"Global Imbalances: Time for Action" ( with Alan Ahearne, William Cline, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Kyung Tae Lee, and John Williamson), Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC February 2007.

"Global Imbalances and Emerging Markets" ( with Barry Eichengreen) Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) Working Paper, December, Seoul, October 2006.

"Regional Financial Integration in East Asia: Challenges and Prospects," in Regional Financial Cooperation edited by Jose Antonio Ocampo, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC 2006.

"Asian Bond Market Development: Rationale and Strategy"(with Jae Ha Park, Julia Leung, Kanit Sangsubhan),. in Regional Financial Cooperation edited by Jose Antonio Ocampo, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC 2006.

"Developing the Bond Market(s) in East Asia: Global, Regional, or National"(with Robert N McCauley) in Asian Bond Markets: Issues and Prospects, No.30, pp.19-39, Bank for International Settlement, 2006.

"Finance and Economic Development in East Asia", with WonHo Song and Yunjong Wang, in A New Financial Market Structure for East Asia edited by Takatoshi Ito, Yung Chul Park, and Yun Jong Wang, Edward Elgar, 2005.

"Financial Liberalization and Capital Market in East Asia"(with Barry Eichengreen),  in A New Financial Market Structure for East Asia edited by Takatoshi Ito, Yung Chul Park, and Yun Jong Wang, Edward Elgar. 

"Why Has There been Less Financial Integration in Asia than in Europe?" (With Barry Eichengreen),  in A New Financial Market Structure for East Asia edited by Takatoshi Ito, Yung Chul Park, and Yun Jong Wang, Edward Elgar 2005.

"A Tale of Two Crises: Korea’s Experience with External Debt Management 1979-80 and 1997-98," paper prepared for "Debt Sustainability and Development Strategies," UNCTAD, September, 2005.

"Beyond the Chiang Mai Initiative: Prospects for Regional Financial and Monetary Integration in East Asia", paper presented at the Technical Group meeting of G-24, September 2004.

"Exchange Arrangement in Asia: Do They Matter?"(With Charles Wyplosz), paper presented at the KIEP conference on Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangement in East Asia, August 2004.

"Prospects for Financial Integration in East Asia: The Chiang Mai Initiative and Beyond"(with Yunjong Wang), in China's Role Asia and the World Economy, editied by Jan Joost Teunissen, Fondad, 2004. 

"Exchange rate regimes in East Asia"(with Takatoshi Ito), in Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia (Vol 1), edited by Asian Development Bank, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

"A Currency Union in East Asia"(with Jong-Wha Lee and Kwanho Shin), in Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia (Vol 2), edited by Asian Development Bank (Vol 2), pp.139-175. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

"The Balancing Act of Global Financial Stability"(with Barry Eichengreen), in Financial Times on March 28 2004.

"Towards a Market-Oriented Strategy of Financial Development", in Financial Development and Integration in East Asia, edited by Chung Young Ahn, Takatoshi Ito, M. Kawai, and Yung Chul Park, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), 2003.

"Finance and Economic Development in Korea"(with Wonho Song, Yunjong Wang), in Financial Development and Integration in East Asia, edited by Chung Young Ahn, Takatoshi Ito, M. Kawai, and Yung Chul Park, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), September 2003.

"Financial Liberalization and Economic Integration in East Asia"(with Kee-Hong Bae), Financial Stability and Growth in Emerging Economies: The Role of the Financial Sector, FONDAD 2003.   

"In search of a New paradigm of Development for Post-Crisis East Asia", Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) Major Research Paper 2003-03, March 2003.

"A Post-Crisis Paradigm of Development for East Asia: Governance, Markets, and Institutions", ADBI Research Paper NO.52, January, 2003.

"Does East Asia Need a New Paradigm of Development?", Brookings Trade Forum 2002, edited by Dani Rodrik and Susan M. Collins, pp. 211-226, Brookings, 2003.  

"Managing Capital Account Liberalization: The Experiences of Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, and Thailand" (with Chi-Young Song), Capital Liberalization in Transition Countries, edited by Age F.P. Bakker and Brayan Chapple, pp. 59-84, Edward Elgar, 2003.

"Who Destabilized the Korean Stock Market?" (with Innwon Park) in International Capital Flows in Calm and Turbulent Times, edited by Stephany Griffith-Jones, Ricardo Gottschalk, and Jacques Cailoux, pp. 195-230, The University Michigan Press, 2003.

"IMF Structural Programs: comment", in Economic and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies, edited by Martin Feldstein, pp.448-452, NBER The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

"Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia " (with Jong Wha Lee), in Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, edited by Michael P. Dooley and Jeffery A. Frankel, pp. 275-320, NBER, 2003.

"Financial Crisis and Recovery: Patterns of Adjustment in East Asia, 1996-99" (with Jong Wha Lee), ADBI Research Paper No. 45, October 2002.

"A Framework for Exchange Rate Policy in Korea" (with Michael Dooley and Rudi Dornbusch), Korean Crisis and Recovery, editied by David T. Coe and Se Jik Kim, pp. 483-521, IMF/KIEP, 2002.   

"Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia " (with Jong Wha Lee), in Korean Crisis and Recovery, edited by David T. Coe and Se Jik Kim, pp.353-396, IMF/KIEP, 2002.

"Toward Creating a Regional Monetary Arrangement in East Asia"(with C. Fred Bergsten), ADBI Research Paper No.50, December 2002.

"Prospects for Financial Integration and Exchanges Rate Policy Cooperation in East Asia", ADBI Research Paper No.48, December 2002.

"Financial Crisis and Recovery: Patterns of Adjustment in East Asia, 1996-99",(with Jong Wha Lee), ADBI Research Paper No.45, October 2002.

"Beyond the Chiang Mai Initiative: Rationale and Need for a Regional Monetary Arrangement in East Asia ", in A Regional Approach to Financial Crisis Prevention: Lesson from Europe and Initiatives in Asia, Latin America and Africa, pp.121-147, FONDAD, July 2002.

"Can East Asia Emulate European Economic Integration?" Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Discussion Paper 02-09, November 2002.

"East Asia’s Experiences with Floating Rates" (with Chi-Young Song), in New Challenges of Crisis Prevention: Addressing Global Economic Imbalances in the North and Boom-Bust Cycles in the South, pp.134-167, FONDAD, 2001.

"Financial Contagion in the East Asia Crisis - With Special Reference to the Republic of Korea" (with Chi-Young Song), International Financial Contagion, edited by Stijn Claessens and Kristin J. Forbes, Kluwer Academic Publishers, May 11, 2001.    

"Reform of the International Financial System and Institutions in light of the Asian Financial Crisis"(with Yun Jong Wang), G-24 Discussion Paper Series No.12, United Nations Publication, September 2001.

"Beyond the Chiang Mai Initiative: Rationale and Need for Decision-Making Body and Extended Regional Surveillance under the ASEAN+3 Framework," a paper prepared for ASEAN +3 Deputies meeting, Bangkok, October 22, 2000.

"Ideas on Reforming the International Financial System," in Reforming the international Monetary and Financial System edited by Peter B. Kenen and Alexander K. Swoboda, IMF, Washington, D.C., 2000.    

"On Reforming the International Financial System: An East Asian Perspective," in Governance, Equity and Global Markets, ABCDE in Europe, the French Council of Economic Analysis and the World Bank, Paris, 2000.

"Reforming the International Financial System: Prospects for Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia" (with Yunjong Wang), in Reforming the International financial System: Crisis Prevention and Response, pp. 70-83, FONDAD, Hague, Netherlands, 2000.  

"Exchange Rate Policies in Korea: Has Exchange Rate Volatility increased After the Crisis?"(with Chae Shick Chung and Yunjong Wang), KIEP Working Paper 99-33, KIEP, December 30, 1999.

"Flexibility or Nominal Anchors: Exchange Rate Policy in Asia" (with Rudiger Dornbusch), in Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries co-edited with Stefan Collignon and Jean Pisani-Ferry, Routledge, 1999.

"The Financial Crisis in Korea: From Miracle to Meltdown?" The Group of 24 : The Developing Countries in the International Financial System edited by Eduardo Mayobre, Central bank of Venezuela, pp. 137-169, 1999.

"The East Asian Financial Crisis: A Year Later" (with Chi-Young Song), in The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Implications, and Solutions edited by William C. Hunter, George G. Kaufman, and Thomas H. Krueger, pp. 207-210, The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and IMF, 1999.

"The Banking Reform in Korea: Issues and Challenges," in Strengthening the Banking System in China: Issues and Experience, BIS Policy Papers, No. 7, pp. 263-274, BIS, October 1999.

"Exchange Rate System and Capital Controls in East Asian Emerging Market Economies," in Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Market Economies, edited by Yung Chul Park and Yunjong Wang, KIEP, ADBI and CEPII, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 1999.

"The Financial Crisis in Korea and Its Lessons for Reform of the International Financial System" in Regulatory and Supervisory Challenges in a New Era of Global Finance edited by Jan Joost Teunissen, FONDAD, The Hague,1998.

"What Have We learned from the Korean Financial Crisis?" in The Asian Crisis edited by Jean-Claude Berthelemy and Tommy Koh, CEPII and Asia-Europe Foundation, 1998.

"Managing Foreign Capital Flows: The Experiences of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia" (with Chi-Young Song), in International Monetary and Financial Issues for the 1990’s, Research Papers for the Group of Twenty-Four, UNCTAD, 1997.

"Strategies for Rapid Accumulation of Savings, Investment, and Human Capital" (with Jong-Wha Lee), paper presented at IMF seminar on Macroeconomic Adjustment and Growth, Tokyo, Japan, May 1997.

"The Southeast Asian Currency Crisis and the Channels of Contagion," (with Chi-Young Song), paper presented at the conference at the Mitsui Life Financial Research Center, University of Michigan Business School, November 6, 1997, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

"Global Macroeconomic Management and the Developing Countries" (with Sangmoon Hahm), in The International Monetary and Financial System, edited by G.K. Helleiner, Macmillan Press Ltd. And St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1996.

"Comments on Regionalism, Multilateralism, and Deeper Integration, by Robert Z. Lawrence," Brookings Institution, 1966.

"The Republic of Korea’s Experience with Managing Foreign Capital Flows," in The Tobin Tax:  Coping with Financial Volatility, edited by Mahbub ul Haq, Inge Kaul, and Isabelle Grunberg, Oxford University Press, 1996.

"Capital Movements, Real Asset Speculation, and Macroeconomic Adjustment in Korea" (with Won-Am Park), in Capital Controls, Exchange Rate, and Monetary Policy in the Open Economy, edited by Sebastian Edwards, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

"Financial Integration in a Second Best World: Are We Still Sure About Our Classical Prejudices?" (With Rudiger Dornbusch), in Financial Opening; Policy Lessons for Korea (co-edited with Rudiger Dornbusch), Korea Institute of Finance and International Center for Economic Growth, 1995.

"US-Japan Relations and International Institutions After the Cold War: A Korean Perspective," in US-Japan Relations and International Institutions After the Cold War, edited by Peter Gourevitch, Takashi Inoguchi, and Courtney Purrington, University of California-San Diego, The Graduate School of International Relations, 1995.

"Economic Cooperation and Integration in East Asia" (with Ki-Young Chung), in Towards an Asian Economic Area, edited by V.R. Panchamukhi and Rehman Sobhan, Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries and South Center, Geneva, 1995.

"Korea; Development and Structural Change of the Financial System," in The Financial Development of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: Growth, Repression, and Liberalization, edited by Hugh T. Patrick and Yung Chul Park, Oxford University Press, 1994.

"Concepts and Issues," in The Financial Development of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: Growth, Repression, and Liberalization, edited by Hugh T. Patrick and Yung Chul Park, Oxford University Press, 1994.

"Korea; Development and Structural Change of the Banking System (with Dong Won Kim), in The Financial Development of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan; Growth, Repression, and Liberalization, edited by Hugh T. Patrick and Yung Chul Park, Oxford University Press, 1994.

"Financial Market Policies During Korea’s Post-War Development," in New Economic Partners: Dynamic Asian Economies and Central and Eastern European Countries, OECD, 1994.

"South Korea: Democratization at Last" (with Sung-Joo Han), in Driven by Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, edited by J.W. Morley, M.E. Sharpe, New York, 1993.

"Capital Movement, Real Asset Speculation, and Macroeconomic Adjustment in South Korea," in Financial Opening:  Policy Lessons and Experiences in Developing Countries, edited by Helmut Reisen and Bernard Fischer, OECD Development Center, 1993.

"The role of Finance in Economic Development in South Korea and Taiwan," in Finance and Development:  Issues and Experiences, edited by A. Giovannini, center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, U.K., 1992.

"The External Balance of Korea" (with Rudiger Dornbusch), in Structural Adjustment in a Newly Industrialized Country: The Korean Experiences, edited by Vittorio Corbo and Sang-Mok Suh, the Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

"Economic Liberalization:  Experiences of South Korea and Taiwan," in Foreign Economic Liberalization: Transformations in Socialist and Market Economies, edited by A. Koves and P. Marer, Westview Press, 1991.

"Changing Japanese Trade Patterns and the East Asian NICs" (with Won-Am Park), in US and Japan:  Trade and Investment in the 1990s, edited by Paul Krugman, University of Chicago Press, 1991.

"Exchange Rate Policies of East Asian NICs" (with Won-Am Park), in Exchange Rate Policies in Developing and Socialist Countries, edited by E. Classen, International Center for Economic Growth, San Francisco, 1991.

"Macroeconomic Management and Policies in East Asia," in The Pacific Economy: Growth and External Stability, edited by Mohamed Ariff, Allen and Unwin, 1991.

"Lessons from Market Economies (Country Studies); South Korea," in The Transition to a Market Economy, edited by Paul Marer and Salvatore Zecchini, OECD, 1991.

"More Free Trade Areas?  A Korean Perspective" (with Jung Ho Yoo), in Free Trade  Areas and U.S. Trade Policy, edited by J.J. Shott, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C.  1989.

"Structural Change and Development in Pacific Asia," Development Discussion Paper No. 283, Harvard Institute for International Development, Cambridge, MA, 1989, February 1989.

"Meeting World Challenges: U.S. Manufacturing in the 1990's" (with Rudiger Dornbusch and Paul Krugman), Eastman Kodak Company, 1989.

"Trade and Development in Pacific Asia," in One World or Several? edited by L. Emmerij, OECD Development Center, Paris, 1989.

"The US-Japan Economic Relationship and Stability in Pacific Asia," in The Japan Forum on International Affairs, Tokyo, Japan, June 1989.

"Macroeconomic Developments and Prospects in pacific Asia," in World Imbalances: WIDER World economy Group 1989 Report, the WIDER, Helsinki, Finland, June 1989.

"Economic Growth and External Balance Constraint: The Case of Korea," in The Open Economy, edited by Rudiger Dornbusch and F. Leslie C. H. Helmers, The World Bank, 1988.

"Global Welfare Implications of the Emergence of Asian NICs," The Journal of Asiatic Studies, January 1988.

"The Role of the East-Asian NICs in the Global Adjustment Process," in Malente Symposium VII: The International Monetary System and World Economic Development, Malente, Schleswig-Holstein, April 1988.
"Korea-Japan Economic Relations: The U.S. Factor," A paper presented to The Eighth Korea-Japan Intellectual Dialogue, Yong Peyong, May 1988.

"How to Accommodate the East Asian NICs," in The Asian NICs and the Economies of the Developed Countries, Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies, Tokyo, Japan, October 1988.

"Financial Liberalization and Prospects for Resource Mobilization in Korea," in Korea in the Year 2000, edited by Han Sung Joo and R.J. Myers, University Press of America: Lanham MD, 1987.

"Financial Repression, Liberalization, and Development in Developing Countries," in The Liberalization Process in Economic Development, edited by L. Krause and K.H. Kim, University of California Press, May 1987.

"Financing of Export-Oriented Growth in Korea" (with W.T. Hong), in Pacific Growth and Financial Interdependence, edited by A.H.H. Tan and B. Kapur, Allen and Unwin: Sydney, London, Boston, 1986.

"Korea’s Experience with External Debt Management," in International Debt and the Developing Countries, edited by G.W. Smith and J.T. Cuddington, The World Bank, 1985.

"Economic Stabilization and Liberalization in Korea, 1980-1984," Monetary Policy in a Changing Financial Environment, proceedings of the seminar commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Bank of Korea, The Bank of Korea, 1985.

"Recent Developments and the Short-term Prospects of the Korean Economy," paper prepared for the International Herald Tribune, July 1985.

"Prospects of the Korean Economy as a Trading Nation," in Korea in the Year 200: Prospects for Development and Changes, edited by Han Sung-Joo, Asiatic Research Center, Korea University, 1985.

"Price Controls and Stabilization Policies in Korea," Korea Economic Case Studies, East-West Center Honolulu, Hawaii, February 1984.

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"Financial Institutions and Markets in South Korea" (with Sang-Woo Nam), in Financial Institutions and Markets in the Far East, edited by M.T. Skully, the Macmillan Press Ltd., 1982.

"Demand for Money:  A Brief Review of Recent Developments," paper presented to the 14th SEANZA Central Banking Course, SEANZA Lectures, The Monetary Authority of Singapore, October 1982.

"Export-led Development: The Korean Experience, 1960-1978," in Export-led Industrialization and Development, edited by Eddy Lee, Asian Employment Programme, ILO, 1981.

"Export Growth and Balance of Payments in Korea, 1960-1978," in Trade and Growth of the Advanced Developing Countries in the Pacific Basin, edited by W.T. Hong and L.B. Krause, KDI Press, 1981.

"Objectives and Targets of Monetary Policy," paper presented to the 13th SEANZA Central Banking Course, SEANZA Lectures, The Central Bank of Indonesia, October 1980.

"A Study on the Savings Behavior in Korea, 1962-1973" (with Mahn Je Kim), in Planning Model and Macroeconomic Issues, edited by C.K. Kim, Korea Development Institute, Seoul, Korea, 1979.

"Regional Financial Development and Systems in Korea," The Journal of Asiatic Studies, July 1978.

"The Unorganized Money Market in Korea," Domestic Finance Studies, Number 28, Public and Private Finance Division, Development Economics Department, IBRD, August 1976.

"The Effects of Indexation of Financial Contracts and Wages on Inflation in Developing Countries," The Journal of Asiatic Studies, July 1975.